Call Us: 905-420-5995
Professional Administration of Wills & Estates in Ajax

An estate plan, including wills and powers of attorney can protect loved ones, avoid conflicts between family members, take care of your interests, and minimize your estate’s financial obligations.
Wills and estate administration are areas of the law that require legal services and document preparation to meet the needs and unique challenges of a particular clients’ situation.
In each area of administration of wills and estates, we work with the client to determine the areas of potential risk and options that are available in developing the subsequent documents, including wills and powers of attorney.
At Mathews Professional Corporation Law Office, we are capable and experienced in the administration of estates, including obtaining probate and advising executors about their rights and obligations. For over 10 years, we have served Ajax, Whitby, Pickering and the surrounding communities; call us today at 905-420-5995 for a consultation.

List of Will and Estate Planning Services
To get a better idea of what our office provides when handling wills and estates in Ajax, take a look at the following services:
To learn more, please call us.